What is $sDAI. Savings Dai (sDAI) is an ERC-4626 representation of DAI in the Dai Savings Rate (DSR) module.
16 Aug 2023, 12:59
What is $sDAI?
Savings Dai (sDAI) is an ERC-4626 representation of DAI in the Dai Savings Rate (DSR) module. sDAI allows users to deposit DAI to receive yield generated by the Maker protocol while still being able to transfer, stake, lend and use it in any way you want.
Same news in other sources
316 Aug 2023, 13:01
Exciting news!
$sDAI is now available on Enzyme via Spark Protocol. Earn 8% APY on DAI via our new integration. Full details in the Twitter thread below.
Enjoy 🥳
Exciting news. $sDAI is now available on Enzyme via Spark Protocol. Earn 8% APY on DAI via our new integration.
Exciting news!
$sDAI is now available on Enzyme via Spark Protocol. Earn 8% APY on DAI via our new integration. Full details in the Twitter thread below.
Enjoy 🥳
16 Aug 2023, 12:59
With this new integration, Enzyme asset managers can now take advantage of the DAI Savings Rate (DSR) and add new $sDAI yield opportunities to your strategies.
For more info, read our docs:
Enjoy 🥳
With this new integration, Enzyme asset managers can now take advantage of the DAI Savings Rate (DSR) and add new $sDAI yield op
With this new integration, Enzyme asset managers can now take advantage of the DAI Savings Rate (DSR) and add new $sDAI yield opportunities to your strategies.
For more info, read our docs: https://t.co/bh0ZIf6sGy
Enjoy 🥳
16 Aug 2023, 12:59
sDAI comes to Enzyme! 🤑
We're excited to announce that Enzyme has now integrated with @Spark_Protocol to enable managers to buy $sDAI, which currently pays 8% APY on $DAI.
#DeFi #DAI #Maker #sDAI #Web3 #Crypto $ETH $MLN
sDAI comes to Enzyme.
sDAI comes to Enzyme! 🤑
We're excited to announce that Enzyme has now integrated with @Spark_Protocol to enable managers to buy $sDAI, which currently pays 8% APY on $DAI.
#DeFi #DAI #Maker #sDAI #Web3 #Crypto $ETH $MLN